• Lasting impact: by partnering with Tearfund, you help address the root causes of poverty that lie beneath surface needs. Because our whole focus is on restoring broken relationships – with God, within families and communities, and with creation – our goal is to break the cycle of poverty so that we’re not needed anymore. Through our focus on local partnerships, you create lasting change that is efficient, effective, and local-friendly. 

  • Committed to work with the local church: the church is the most effective catalyst for bringing hope and transformation to a community. God’s people are the only ones who can address the broken relationships at the root of poverty. Through Tearfund, you help local churches mend these broken relationships and transform the lives of the poor. 

  • Full-Life transformation: the problem with many solutions to poverty is that they are incomplete. Poverty isn’t just physical – it’s also emotional, social, and spiritual, caused by broken relationships. We seek to help the whole person. Our goal isn’t just about helping people overcome poverty; it’s about people living life to the full and being part of God’s Kingdom-building, life-giving mission.